Handwriting | The Homeschool Review

Teaching Cursive – New Teacher’s Text

http://www.teachingcursive.com (541) 330-5996Email: Linda@TeachingCursive.com By Linda Corson The United States is about to eliminate cursive writing from its teaching curriculum! If implemented, we will be taking an enormous gamble that cursive in today’s environment is obsolete. As of today, 40 states have adopted the Common Core curriculum which supposedly establishes the requisite skills necessary for […]

Peterson Directed Handwriting

Movement-Based Strategy for Teaching and Learning – Our lessons are not Trace & Copy. The strategy is called a “directed lesson.” Available at www.peterson-handwriting.com By Randy Nelson Letters are taught much like you would teach a line dance or aerobic exercise routine. The strategy is easy to use. The teacher handbook provides a daily lesson […]

Talking Fingers

Read, Write & Type Learning System (RWTLS) Talking Fingers Software, Inc. 830 Rincon Way San Rafael, California 94901 Ph: 415.472.3103; Toll Free: 800.674.9126 E-mail: contact@talkingfingers.com www.talkingfingers.com by Michael Leppert Fortunately for all homeschoolers who enjoy using their computers as educational assistants, software designers never seem to rest! There are great educational products constantly being developed […]