The Children’s Gift Series – Books in English & Spanish and More!

Unit Study for Self-Esteem Building in English and Spanish Assessed by Michael Leppert Ms Dionne Grayson is a writer of books of easy, positive encouragement for children and adults. She is a firm believer in the power of intention and developing self-belief and confidence in her readers. Her series of 10 titles in English […]

Cotton’s Journey: Planting the Seeds of Knowledge P.O. Box 811 Hanford, CA 93232 Email: [email protected] Toll-free Phone Number: 1-800-698-1888 Have you ever wondered where the clothes you and your family wear come from…or the dressing you put on your salad…or the sheets and towels you use every day?  Did you know that fine writing paper, medical supplies, plastics, cosmetics, recording tapes and […]